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 4 Ways to Make the Most of Your Teeth Whitening Treatment

 4 Ways to Make the Most of Your Teeth Whitening Treatment

Professional teeth whitening is popular, and for good reason: In just one visit, a single whitening session can significantly improve the way your smile looks, without invasive treatments. Better still, those results last a long time — even longer when you use proper care.

At Park Place Smiles, Minal Patel, DDS, helps patients enjoy their most dazzling smiles with state-of-the-art whitening treatments designed to lift away years of stains and discoloration in just one visit. Here, learn four steps you can take to “lock in” your results and get the most from your treatment.

1. Have a cleaning first

To whiten your teeth, the whitening agent needs to be able to penetrate the tooth enamel effectively. If your teeth have plaque or tartar deposits, the agent’s effectiveness will be impeded.

Before undergoing professional whitening, it’s a good idea to schedule a cleaning and exam. During your cleaning, the hygienist removes plaque and tartar deposits and superficial stains, preparing the surfaces of your teeth so the whitening agent can achieve a deeper, more consistent result. 

Dr. Patel also examines your teeth for any issues, like tiny cracks or chips. Fixing these problems first decreases tooth sensitivity and prevents cavities and other issues that could interfere with your beautiful smile.

2. Use touch-up products at home

Our in-office, professional whitening process combines the power of prescription-strength whitening agents with light energy to improve penetration of those agents, lifting away deeper stains. 

These treatments are far more effective than over-the-counter bleaching kits, but some products made for home use can help extend the results of your office treatment. Before leaving the office, ask Dr. Patel to recommend whitening toothpaste and rinses you can use at home to help keep stains at bay. She can tailor her recommendations based on your goals and oral health needs for the best possible results.

3. Know which foods to limit or avoid

Many teeth stains are caused by the foods and drinks we consume. Some foods and drinks contain deep pigments that penetrate teeth and make them look dull and dingy. For example, coffee, tea, red wine, deep-colored berries, and even some spices can leave pigments behind that penetrate tooth enamel. Smoking is another major culprit behind stains and discoloration.

On top of that, foods high in natural acids can temporarily soften enamel, making it easier for pigments to penetrate. That includes many tomato and citrus products.

You don’t have to eliminate these foods and drinks, but you can minimize their potential effects. Use a straw when drinking acidic or staining beverages, and rinse well after meals and snacks to wash away excess pigments before they penetrate your enamel.

One more piece of advice: If you smoke, quit. Not only does smoking lead to tooth stains, but it also increases your risk of gum disease and other problems that detract from your smile and your oral health.

4. Adhere to a good oral hygiene routine

One of the best ways to keep your new smile white and bright is to practice good oral hygiene at home. That means twice-daily brushing with a soft-bristled brush and daily flossing using the right technique to get rid of superficial stains and sticky plaque that attracts pigments. 

It also means knowing when to brush. Eating and drinking temporarily softens tooth enamel, so it’s best to wait at least a half hour to prevent damaging the tooth surface. And of course, having twice-yearly checkups and professional cleanings to get rid of hard-to-remove tartar is important, too.

Professional teeth whitening can dramatically improve the way your smile looks, and it can also help you feel more confident and attractive. To learn more about the whitening services we offer, book an appointment online or over the phone with Park Place Smiles in Glendora, California, today.

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